Recent Position: Senior Technical Specialist (retired 2010), Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Mail station M1/1406 One Space Park, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Education: • PhD, Robotics and AI, University of Southern California, December 1997 (GPA 3.8) • MSCS, University of Southern California, May 1994 (GPA 3.5) • BSME, University of Hawaii, December 1979 (GPA 3.2)
Robotics: Space robotics, assembly task planning, path and motion planning, network agents (softbots), grasp planning, and cooperation. Space: Spacecraft manufacturing, integration, and test planning and simulation, zero-gravity and dynamics simulation, mechanisms and kinematics, computer-aided design, and environmental test, with 30 years of experience in development of mechanisms with thermal, contamination, dynamics, kinematic, and reliability considerations. Internet: The first automated design service on the Web: FixtureNet, the subject of an international journal article; Research advisor and team leader for a network agent meeting scheduling system developed in Java by a team of graduate students at USC in 1999. Teaching: Upper and lower division programming, undergraduate and graduate directed research, software engineering, theory of computation, discrete mathematics, and computer graphics.
Space robotics, object-oriented programming languages, intelligent network agents, robotic grasp and motion planning, and artificial intelligence.
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS): 2002-2010 Senior Technical Specialist, Integration, Test and Launch Directorate. APM (assistant project manager) for project Redwood Integration and Test (2005-2009). 2000-2002 Staff Engineer, Mechanical Test Engineering and Test Operations Department. Responsibilities include process simulation and automation, CAD training, and department Webmaster. 1998-2000 Staff Engineer (part time). Software development, computer simulations, department Webmaster, and database and document management in spacecraft assembly, integration, test, and launch operations. 1993-1998 Staff Engineer, Mechanical Development and Test Engineering Department. Responsibilities include: implementing the S&EG product data management system (PDMS), a distributed federated object oriented DBMS, for the solar array products (SAP) center; developing a system for product solid model integration into spacecraft assembly and test operations; and coordinating training and user support for AutoCAD designers in S&TD, including Web pages creation and maintenance. 1989-1993 Engineering Staff, I&T Operations, project 8482. Responsible for creating and implementing automated assembly and test procedures. Worked with the United States Air Force and the Department of Defense to produce the Militarily Critical Technologies List (MCTL, October 1992). 1987-1989 Subproject manager (SPM), Mechanical Integration Engineering, project 8482, with multi-million dollar budget responsibility. Planning and engineering responsibility for all mechanical integration and test activities, including system MGSE requirements, facility modifications, and overall spacecraft schedule. 1985-1986 Section Head, Mechanical Test Engineering, DPD I&T Department. Responsible for all spacecraft mechanical test procedures, test engineering floor support, and personnel hiring and assignments. 1984-1985 Staff Engineer, Manager of Test Operations, Mechanical Systems, project 5081, with responsibility for all the day-to-day spacecraft integration and test activities, including daily schedules and manpower assignments. 1980-1984 Member of the Technical Staff, Mechanical I&T Department. Supported DSCS, DSP, FLTSATCOM, GRO and numbered projects, including spacecraft static load tests, zero gravity simulation for deployment tests, and stiffness and torque-angle tests. Performed the first static load test on a flight spacecraft. Developed computer automated data analysis for stiffness and deployment testing. University of Southern California, Computer Science Department: 1998-2000 Full time lecturer responsible for the undergraduate curriculum for the Computer Science and the Computer Science/Computer Engineering degree programs. Under- graduate and graduate directed research. 1998 Lecturer (part time), Computer Science 477L, Design and Construction of Large Software Systems. 1996-1997 Teaching Assistant and guest lecturer, Computer Science 201, Principles of Software Development. Student member of the USC PhD Admissions Committee. 1994-1996 Research Assistant, Modular Robotics Laboratory. Design and analyse new robotic algorithms for industrial robotics including part feeding (singulation, orientation, presentation) automated fixture design synthesis, and fixture loading. Implemented FixtureNet, the first World Wide Web automatic modular fixture design service. United States Air Force: 1969-1978 Communications Electronics Technician, USAF, with extensive and varied experience in microwave, analog/digital, and satellite ground systems. Duty stations included Keelser Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi (Air Training Command (ATC)); Bellows Air Force Station, Waimanalo, Hawaii (Air Force Communications Service (AFCS)); Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2nd Mobile Combat Communications Group); McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento, California (AFCS); Wheeler Air Force Base, Wahiawa, Hawaii (AFCS). IEEE Robotics and Automation Society: 2006-2012 Founding Co-chair of the Space Robotics Technical Committee
2022 Elected District 18 Chair, Democratic Party of Hawaii, January 31, 2022.
2021 Elected Secretary, Rainbow Bonsai Club, November, 2021.
2021 Elected Vice President, Aina Haina Prepared, a community disaster preparedness and response organization, January, 2021.
2020 Elected Treasurer, Democratic Party of Hawaii, Region 1, District 18, Precinct 3, March 4, 2020.
2020 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2019-2020 FIRST mentor/coach.
2019 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2018-2019 FIRST mentor/coach.
2018 Certificate of Appreciation presented December 4, 2018, for volunteering in the flood recovery in April 2018. Signed by Danny Tengan, Chair, Aina Haina Prepared and Melvin N. Naku, Director, Oahu Department of Emergency Management, State of Hawaii
2018 Certificate of training for the successful completion of the SKYWARN spotter course, valid until October 15, 2021.
2018 Certificate of appreciation for "your courage, commitment, and quick actions in responding to the people's needs," signed by Governor David Ige and Major General Arthur Logan, Director of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.
2018 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2017-2018 FIRST mentor/coach.
2017 Amateur Radio License, WH6FPI, Federal Communications Commission, October 24, 2017.
2017 Certificate of Completion. The America Radio Relay League recognizes that Rick Wagner has successfully completed a course of study in Amateur Radio Theory and Practice, dated October 5, 2017.
2017 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2016-2017 FIRST mentor/coach.
2016 Elected Board Member, Friends of Diamond Head Tennis Courts, December 12, 2016.
2016 Elected President, Rainbow Bonsai Club, November 13, 2016.
2016 Certificate of Completion, awarded to Rick Wagner, from the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, FEMA, for Coastal Community Resilience - Custom, May 22, 2016.
2016 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2015-2016 FIRST mentor/coach.
2015 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2015 FIRST mentor, signed by Dean Kamen, FIRST founder, January 2015.
2015 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2014 FIRST mentor, signed by Dean Kamen, FIRST founder, January 2015.
2014 Elected Vice President, Rainbow Bonsai Club, September 14, 2014.
2014 Certificate of Completion, awarded to Richard Wagner, from the Bonsai Foundation Clinic, Basic Course (18 hours), May 31, 2014.
2013 Wooden bowl, engraved "Malama Maunalua Acknowledges Rick Wagner's Commitment to Restoring Maunalua Bay Through his Dedication as an Educator and Huki volunteer A'ohe hana nui ka alu'ia No task is too big when done together." December 2013.
2012 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2012 FIRST mentor, signed by Dean Kamen, FIRST founder.
2012 Certificate of Appreciation from Malama Maunalua. "Hookahi kakou i ke aloha, O ke aloha no Maunalua wale no e!" (We are unified by Aloha, it is aloha for Maunalua that does this!). March 11, 2012.
2012 Certificate: 2011-2012 Real World Design Challenge, Hawaii State Achievement Award, Governor's Challenge, 3rd Place Winner. "Thank you for serving as a mentor to your school's RWDC Design Team." February 2012.
2012 Certificate of Appreciation, awarded to Rick Wagner for inspiring youth as a 2011 FIRST mentor, signed by Dean Kamen, FIRST founder, January 2012.
2010 California Legislature Assembly Resolution "By the Honorable Ted W. Lieu, 53rd Assembly District, relative to commending Rick Wagner, PhD," Members Resolution 2257 for "exemplary record of service," October 30, 2010.
2010 Certificate "Celebrating the American Spirit, 2009-2010 Volunteer, In Recognition of Your Service to the Community." Northrop Grumman, August 2010.
2010 Certificate of Congratulations "On your nomination for the Excellence in Volunteerism Award," in the 2010 Volunteer Recognition Program, signed Sandra J. E. Manly, Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, Northrop Grumman, August 2010.
2010 Proclamation from the County of Los Angeles to Rick Wagner and Beach Cities Robotics, Robotics Competition World Champions, "With sincere congratulations and best wishes the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles does hereby join in your celebration," signed by Don Knabe, Supervisor, Fourth District, June 13, 2010.
2010 Certificate of Recognition, "for your participation, commitment, and outstanding achievement with the Beach Cities Robotics team," Redondo Beach Unified School District, signed by Drew Gamet, School Board President, and Dr. Steven Keller, Superintendent of Schools, June 13, 2010.
2010 Certificate of Appreciation, "for inspiring youth as a 2010 FIRST mentor," signed by Dean Kamen, FIRST founder.
2010 Mayor's Commendation, City of Redondo Beach, State of California, Presented to Rick Wagner, Mentor, Beach Cities Robotics, World Champions at the 19th FIRST Robotics Competition Championship.
2010 Plaque, inscribed "Congratulations to a 'Record Breaking' Volunteer," presented at the Volunteer Center's Corporate Volunteer Awards Banquet, April 22, 2010.
2010 Re-elected President, Torrance Democratic Club, April 14, 2010.
2009 Certificate of Appreciation "for inspiring youth as a 2009 FIRST mentor," signed by Dean Kamen, FIRST founder.
2009 Certificate "Celebrating the American Spirit," "In recognition of your ongoing volunteer efforts and commitment to your community," signed by Gary W. Ervin, Sector President, Aerospace Systems, Northrop Grumman.
2009 Certificate "in recognition of your contributions to the 2009 Engineering, Technology, and Careers Course, presented at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Space Systems Division, June 10, 2009.
2009 Award of Recognition for "participation, commitment, and outstanding achievement with the Beach Cities Robotics team," Redondo Beach Unified School District, June 9, 2009.
2008 Certificate of Thanks for Support to National Engineers Week 2008 from Northrop Grumman Space Technology.
2008 Clean Air Congress Membership Certificate in recognition of commitment to clean air, June 5, 2008, South Coast Air Quality Management District.
2008 Certificate of Appreciation for Inspiring Youth as a 2008 FIRST Mentor, by Dean Kamen, FIRST Founder.
2008 Elected President, Torrance Democratic Club.
2008 Plaque awarded by the Mayor and Torrance City Council, "In Appreciation" of service on the 2008 Strategic Plan Committee.
2007 Certificate of Thanks for support to the 2007 Northrop Grumman Space Technology Volunteer Program.
2007 FIRST Award, presented "In Grateful Appreciation," by Beach Cities Robotics team 294, May 26, 2007.
2007 Appointment by City Council, Torrance Strategic Plan Committee.
2006 Certificate, Commissioner Certification Training, City of Torrance, October.
2006 Certificate, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Lean Event P1131--Improve IT&L Readiness Review Process, August.
2006 Certificate of Appreciation, California Academy of Math and Science.
2006 Elected Vice President, Torrance Democratic Club, April 12.
2006 Certificate of Appreciation, for outstanding contributions as a mentor, Beach Cities Robotics, FIRST team 294.
2006 Certificate of Graduation, Grassroots Public Service Academy, Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce, February 23.
2006 Certificate of Proficiency, Non-Conforming Material Review Training, January 20.
2005 Certificate of Recognition, For Beach Cities Robotics, The Manhattan Beach Unified School District, May 18.
2005 Trade Secret Award, Offset In-Plane Membrane Tensiometer, Northrop Grumman, February 14.
2004 Elected Membership Chairman, Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai.
2003 Certificate of Completion, Six Sigma Green Belt Training, April 25.
2003 Certificate of Appreciation, Redondo Union High School, for outstanding support to the senior class carreer event, April 29.
2002 Elected Program Chairman, Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai.
2001 Certificate of Appreciation, The Planetary Society, for participating in SETI@home.
2000 Elected President, Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai.
1998 Elected Second Vice President, Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai.
1998 Certificate of Appreciation, Upward Bound Internship Program, Harvey Mudd College, August 6, 1998.
1997 Diploma, Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, University of Southern California, December 16, 1997.
1997 Certificate of Appreciation, Upward Bound Internship Program, Harvey Mudd College, August 7th.
1996 Certificate of Appreciation, Upward Bound Internship Program, Harvey Mudd College.
1995 Certificate of Completion, Proposal Team Member Program, TRW, Inc., August 9.
1994 Certificate of Completion, Master's Fellowship Program, TRW, Inc.
1994 Certificate of Completion, AutoCAD Designer, MTI College, November 22.
1994 Certificate of Completion, Basic AutoCAD, TRW, Inc., November 10.
1994 Diploma, Master of Science, Computer Science, University of Southern California, May 6, 1994.
1993 Certificate of Achievement, Recognition Award Program, TRW, Inc., November 2.
1992 Master's Fellowship award, TRW, Inc.
1991 Certificate of Achievement, TQM/CPI, TRW, Inc. Employment Training Panel.
1991 Graduate Record Exam, 700, 670, 550, June 1.
1989 Runner-up Trophy, Tennis Doubles, with partner Andrea Wagner, Torrance Parks and Recreation Department.
1986 Certificate of Completion, Space Station Operations, TRW, Inc. after hours course.
1985 Certificate of Completion, Space Station Payload Integration, TRW, Inc. after hours course.
1985 Certificate of Completion, Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria training, TRW, Inc., March 22.
1982 Certificate of Completion, Dynamical Systems and their Applications, TRW, Inc. after hours course.
1979 Diploma, Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, University of Hawaii, December 23, 1979.
1979 IQ test administered: 163 on the Wechsler Scale.
1978 Honorable Discharge, United States Air Force, rank of Staff Sergeant, August 29, 1978.
1975 First Place Trophy and $200 prize, California Open at Berkeley chess tournament, class D, United States Chess Federation.
1974 First Place Trophy, Tinker Air Force Base chess tournament, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
1973 Certified CPR instructor, United States Air Force.
1973 NASA soldering certificate, United States Air Force.
1973 First Place Trophy, Oklahoma City Chess Association, November Open.
1972 First Class Radiotelephone Operators License, Federal Communications Commission, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1972 Diploma, First Class FCC License Course, Cleveland Institute of Electronics, April 6.
1972 First Place Trophy, Oklahoma City Chess Club, Fall Tournament.
1969 Selected for involuntary service in the armed forces of the United States of America, May.
1969 IQ test administered: 98th percentile, AFQT, Oakland Induction Center, United States Selective Service.
1967 Diploma, Salinas High School, Salinas, California.
1965 Certified SCUBA diver, Salinas, California, YMCA training program.
1965 Second Place Trophy, Western Model Car Championship (slot car racing).
1955 Blue Ribbon, Horsemanship, annual Corral De Tierra Horse Show.
This page was last updated June 14, 2024. Copyright 1996-2024 by Dr. Richard Jeffery Wagner, all rights reserved.