Descriptions provided are neither complete nor guaranteed accurate. Your customer is the authority. Report any errors below and they will be fixed.
Title | Description | Customer Contact | Team | |
1 | Doheny Library Virtual Tour | Create a virtual tour of the library for USC's Web pages using QuickTime VR and images indexed to floor plans. This is a continuation of cs577a team 1 project. |
Matt Gainer 740-8832 |
A |
2 | Resume Tracking System | Currently a spreadsheet is in use for this purpose. Need a system to answer various queries. Need to OCR scan paper resumes, integrate with email resumes, output address labels, etc. |
Sharon Haymond 740-3034 |
B |
3 | COCOMO Tool Testing | Using Rational's TeamTest tool, develop a complete regression test suite of the COnstructive COst MOdel estimating program, COCOMOII.2000" |
Winsor Brown 740-6599 |
C |
4 | COCOMO II Downloads and Affiliate Webpage--Access & Tracking |
COCOMO II Downloads and Affiliate Webpage--Access & Tracking |
Winsor Brown 740-6599 |
D |
5 | Daily Summary of Japanese Press | Daily automatically convert summary files (Word format) received by email into html documents on the Web with an appropriate search capability. Handoff from cs577a team 5. |
Janice Hanks 740-1773 |
E |
6 | Effort Database System | Develop a database system with Web interface for documenting software engineering effort. Provide interface for data analysis and queries. Capability currently provided with Excel spreadsheets. |
Yin Zhang 740-xxxx |
F |
7 | Defect Database System | Keep track of data regarding software defect injection and removal events. Provide analysis interface and interface to quality modeling application. |
John Lee |
G |
8 | Managing Multimedia Databases for Instruction and Research |
Produce a prototype for using ISD's SIRSI gateway to the BRS database system to support faculty members creating multimedia databases for instruction and research. Handoff from cs577a team 8. |
Karen Howell et al. 740-2933 |
H |
For those teams picking up a project continued from last fall's cs577a, the document archive can be accessed by loging in to one of the SCF machines (aludra, nunki, etc.) and doing
cd ~csci577/www/teamXwhere teamX is the location where teamX's data is. These directories are public readable and you may copy the document files to your own team directory.
project.htm, this hand crafted HTML file created December 9, 1997.
Updated March 24, 2000. Last updated April 15, 2011, by
Rick Wagner.
Copyright © 1998-2011 by Rick Wagner, all rights reserved.