Missed exams can be made up only by prior arrangement with the instructor
or in the case of a genuine emergency. Exams cannot be made up after
corrected exams are returned to the class, usually the next class session
after the exam is given.
Make-up Work
Late homework assignments will not be accepted. All homework will be
assigned and due on a Wednesday. The student
should plan for unscheduled events. Homework will be accepted early
(on Monday, for example) to allow students a margin of safety.
Rules of ethical conduct will be respected. If you are unsure of the
requirements, see the instructor or refer to the computer science department
office in Salvatori Hall room 300.
Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com
index.html, this hand crafted HTML file was created August 21, 1998.
updated September 21, 1998. Last updated April 12, 2011, by
Rick Wagner. Copyright © 1998-2011, all rights reserved.