March 2020 Chess Game

The game shown here was played against my chess applet, the Homeostatic Chess Player, a computer program I wrote in the first year of this century. Humans are not allowed to look at books during a tournament, and neither should computers. There is no book built into the Homeostatic Chess Player, it invents all its openings.

English Opening

I played the English Opening as white. Minimal look ahead is six tempi. March 5-6.

	White	Black
1.	c4	Nc6
2.	Nf3	d5       Black wants an open game, as in the center-counter defense, but without eliminating white's center (king) pawn.
3.	cxd5	Qxd5
4.	Nc3	Qa5
5.	d4	Nf6

Position at move 5.
6.	Bd2	Bg4      Black threatens the white queen pawn.
7.	e3	e6       e4 for black might have been stronger.
8.	Be2	Bb4      Blacks Bb4 wastes time.
9.	a3	Be7
10.	O-O	Qf5

Position at move 10.
11.	Rc1	O-O-O
12.	h3	Bxf3     Capturing the knight may not be necessary. After Bh5, g4 Bxg4, hxg4 Qxg4+ black has compensating pressure.
13.	Bxf3	a6
14.	b4	Rh8g8
15.	Qa4	Qd3

Position at move 15.
16.	Rf1d1	Nb8
17.	b5	g5
18.	Be1	Qf5
19.	e4	Qg6
20.	bxa6	bxa6    Taking a6 with the knight may not be any better.

Position at move 20.
21.	Qa5	Ne8
22.	d5	e5
23.	Bg4+	Kb7
24.	Rb1+	Ka8
25.	Rxb8+	Kxb8     White removes a defender and sacrifices the exchange. The black rook cannot recapture (mate on the move).

Position at move 25.
26.	Rb1+	Ka8
27.	Nb5	Qb6
28.	Nxc7+	Qxc7
29.	Qxa6+   Black resigns

Position at move 29.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

Chess.html, this hand crafted HTML file was created March 6, 2020.
Last updated March 6, 2020 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Copyright © 2020, all rights reserved.