January 2020 Chess Games

The games shown here were played against my chess applet, the Homeostatic Chess Player, a computer program I wrote in the first year of this century. Humans are not allowed to look at books during a tournament, and neither should computers. There is no book built into the Homeostatic Chess Player, it invents all its openings.

Double King Pawn Opening

I played white, minimal look ahead is six tempi. January 3-4. This one is quite a slug-fest with black pulling even in the middle game.

	White	Black
1.	e4	e5
2.	Nf3	Nc6
3.	Bc4	Bd6     Here black deviates from book. It seems actually to be a promising approach I will investigate further.
4.	c3	Na5     I think the refutation to black's third move might be the immediate d4.
5.	Bd3	b6

Position after move 5.
6.	b4	Nc6
7.	O-O	a5
8.	b5	Na7
9.	a4	Bb7
10.	Re1	Ke7?     Not a logical move by black.

Position after move 10.
11.	Na3	f6
12.	Bb2	Rb8
13.	Bc2	Nh6
14.	d4	exd4     Better not to capture, it gives white a freer hand in the center.
15.	cxd4	Bb4

Position after move 15.
16.	Re2	c6
17.	e5	cxb5
18.	axb5	Kf8      Pushing the pawn past to f5 may have been better for black.
19.	exf6	Qxf6
20.	Bb3	Rc8

Position after move 20.
21.	d5	Qd6
22.	Be5	Qg6
23.	Nd4	Nf7
24.	Bg3	Rg8
25.	Na3c2	Bc3

Position after move 25.
26.	Rc1	a4
27.	Ba2	Qf6
28.	Rb1	Rh8
29.	Re3	Rc5
30.	Rf3	Bxd4

Position after move 30.
31.	Nxd4	Qg6
32.	Nc6!	Bxc6     
33.	d5xc6	d5
34.	c7!	Nc8
35.	Ra1	Ke8       Black has no good moves now.

Position after move 35.
36.	Bxd5	Nf7d6
37.	Bc6+	Rxc6
38.	bxc6	Rf8
39.	Qe2+	Ne4
40.	Re3	Qxc6

Position after move 40.
41.	Rxe4+	Kf7       White traps the black king outside of any protection.
42.	Qa2+!	Kf6
43.	Rf4+	Ke7
44.	Re1+	Kd7
45.	Rxf8	Qd6       Black offers his queen.

Position after move 45.
46.	Bxd6	Kc6
47.	Rxc8	b5
48.	Rb8     Black resigns

Position after move 48.

Center Counter Game

I played white, minimal look ahead is six tempi. January 28-30. Illustrates the importance of castling.

	White	Black
1.	e4	d5
2.	exd5	Qxd5
3.	Nc3	Qe6+
4.	Be2	Na6
5.	Nf3	Nb4
6.	a3	Nc6
7.	d4	Qg4
8.	O-O	Qf5
9.	d5	Ne5
10.	Re1	Nxf3+
11.	Bxf3	a6
12.	Be3	e5
13.	e6	fxe6
14.	Qe2	Qe5
15.	Qc4	Bd6
16.	g3	Qf5
17.	Bg4	Qxc2
18.	Bxe6	Kf8
19.	Bxg8	Rxg8
20.	Bc5	Qg6
21.	Bxd6+	cxd6
22.	Nd5	Qf7
23.	Re4	h5
24.	Rf4	Bf5
25.	Rd1	g5
26.	Rf3	g4
27.	Rf4	Re8
28.	Qb4	Rg6
29.	Ne3	Rxe3
30.	fxe3	Rf6
31.	Rxd6	Ke8
32.	Rxf6	Qxf6
33.	Qc5	Qxb2   A human player would have resigned by now.
34.	Rxf5	Qb1+
35.	Rf1	Qe4
36.	Qd4	Qe6
37.	Rf4	Qb3
38.	Re4+	Kf7
39.	Qd7+	Kg6
40.	Qe6+	Qxe6
41.	Rxe6+	Kf5
42.	Rb6	a5
43.	Rxb7	Ke4
44.	Kf2	Kd3
45.	Ra7	a4
46.	Rxa4	Kc3
47.	Rb4	Kd3
48.	e4	Kc2
49.	Ke2	h4
50.	gxh4	Kc3
51.	e5	Kc2
52.	e6	g3
53.	hxg3    Black resigns

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

Chess.html, this hand crafted HTML file was created January 4, 2020.
Last updated January 304, 2020 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Copyright © 2020, all rights reserved.