April 2019 Chess Games

The games shown here were played against my chess applet, the Homeostatic Chess Player, a computer program I wrote in the first year of this century.

King's Gambit Accepted

I played white, minimal look ahead is six tempi. April 1-3. This game illustrates holding onto a gambit pawn.

	White	Black
1.	e4	e5
2.	f4	exf4
3.	Nf3	Nc6
4.	d4	Qf6
5.	e5	Qf5
6.	Bd3	Qg4
7.	O-O	Be7
8.	c3	g6
9.	h3	Qe6
10.	Bxf4	h6
11.	Nb1d2	Rh7
12.	Qc2	Kf8
13.	b3	Rb8
14.	Ra1e1	b5
15.	c4	Nb4
16.	Qb1	Nxd3
17.	Qxd3	Ba6
18.	g4	Bb4
19.	d5	Qe7
20.	e6	d7xe6
21.	dxe6	bxc4
22.	bxc4	Nf6
23.	exf7	Bc5+
24.	Kh2	Qxf7
25.	Ne5	Qg7
26.	Nxg6+	Kg8
27.	Be5	Qd7
28.	Qc2	Ne8
29.	Ne4	Ba3
30.	Rd1	Qc6
31.	Nd2	Bd6
32.	Qf5	Bxe5+
33.	Nxe5	Qd6
34.	Ne4	Qa3
35.	Qe6+ Black resigns

Position at move 35.

King's Gambit Accepted

I played white, minimal look ahead is six tempi. April 3-5. This game again illustrates holding onto a gambit pawn.

	White	Black
1.	e4	e5
2.	f4	exf4
3.	Nf3	Nc6
4.	d4	Qf6
5.	e5	Qf5
6.	Bd3	Qg4
7.	O-O	Be7
8.	Nc3	Nb4
9.	h3	Qe6
10.	Bxf4	Nxd3
11.	Qxd3	h5
12.	Ra1e1	Nh6
13.	d5	Qb6+
14.	Kh1	Qxb2
15.	d6	Bf8
16.	Bxh6	Rxh6
17.	Ng5	cxd6
18.	exd6+	Re6
19.	Rxe6+	d7xe6
20.	Nxf7	Qb4
21.	Nb5	Rb8
22.	Nc7+ Black resigns

King's Gambit Accepted

I played white, minimal look ahead is six tempi. April 6. Black is getting better but still can't hold the gambit pawn.

	White	Black
1.	e4	e5
2.	f4	exf4
3.	Nf3	Nc6
4.	d4	Qf6
5.	e5	Qf5
6.	Bd3	Qg4
7.	O-O	Nb4
8.	h3	Qg3
9.	Nc3	Nxd3
10.	cxd3	Kd8
11.	Ne2	Qg6
12.	Nxf4	Qb6
13.	Qc2	Qc6
14.	Qb3	Nh6
15.	Ng5	f6
16.	exf6	gxf6
17.	Nf7+	Nxf7
18.	Qxf7	Qb6
19.	Be3	Bh6
20.	Ra1e1	Bg5
21.	Nd5	Qd6
22.	Nxf6	Rf8
23.	Bxg5	Qxd4+
24.	Kh1 Black resigns

Position at move 24.

King's Gambit Accepted

I played black to show how to hold the gambit pawn, minimal look ahead is six tempi. April 8. Kieseritzky Gambit.

	White	Black
1.	e4	e5
2.	f4	exf4
3.	Nf3	g5
4.	h4	g4
5.	Ne5	Nf6
6.	Bc4	d5
7.	exd5	Bg7
8.	d6	O-O
9.	Bxf7+	Rxf7
10.	Nxf7	Kxf7
11.	dxc7	Qxc7
12.	d3	Nc6
13.	c3	Bf5
14.	O-O	Nh5
15.	Be3	Kg6
16.	Bc5	Rd8
17.	d4	b6
18.	Ba3	Nxd4
19.	cxd4	Bxd4+
20.	Kh2	f3+
21.	Bd6	Qxd6+
22.	Kh1	Ng3+ White resigns

Position at move 22.

King's Gambit Declined

I played black to try out declining the gambit. April 12-16. This game illustrates the folly of a premature queen deployment by white.

	White	Black
1.	e4	e5
2.	f4	Bc5
3.	Qh5	Nc6
4.	fxe5	g6
5.	Qe2	Nxe5
6.	Nf3	Nxf3+
7.	Qxf3	d6
8.	Bc4	Qe7
9.	Nc3	c6
10.	Na4	Bd4
11.	Qd3	Bg7
12.	Nc3	Nf6
13.	O-O	O-O
14.	Qe3	Ng4
15.	Qe2	Qh4
16.	h3	Bd4+
17.	Kh1	Nf2+
18.	Kh2	Bg4
19.	Qe1	Bxh3
20.	g3	Ng4+
21.	Kh1	Qh5
22.	Bxf7+	Rxf7
23.	Rf2	Rxf2 White resigns

Position at move 23.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

Chess.html, this hand crafted HTML file was created April 1, 2019.
Last updated April 16, 2019 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Copyright © 2019, all rights reserved.