March 2018 Chess Game

The game shown here was played against my chess applet, the Homeostatic Chess Player, a computer program I wrote in the first year of this century.

Unusual Opening

Homeostatic Chess Player vs. Rick on Intel CORE i7 Dell Inspiron laptop, March 8-9, 2018. Minimal look-ahead set to six tempi. The computer is playing white. This was a hard fought game that went 50 moves before victory was clear.

	White	Black
1.	Nc3	e5
2.	d4	exd4       A center counter game in reverse. White has a move in hand so black must be cautious.
3.	Qxd4	Nf6
4.	Bf4	Be7        Black is continuing his cautious play.
5.	Qe5	d6

Position after move 5.
6.	Qb5+	c6
7.	Qb3	d5          Castling may be better for black at this point.
8.	Nf3	Bd6         Black gets rid of the weakness of the dark squares.
9.	Bxd6	Qxd6
10.	Qa3	Qc7         Black will acquire some inconvenience to avoid exchanging queens.

Position after move 10.
11.	e3	Bf5
12.	Nd4	Bg6
13.	Bd3	Bxd3
14.	cxd3	Na6
15.	Rc1	Qd7

Position after move 15.
16.	Kd2	c5
17.	Nf3	O-O         Finally black can castle.
18.	Qa4	Qe6         Still avoiding the queen exchange.
19.	Rh1f1	Rf8d8
20.	Ng5	Qf5

Position after move 20.
21.	Qf4	Qd7         White poses a third queen trade.
22.	Rh1	Nb4
23.	a3	Nc6
24.	Nb5	a6
25.	Nc3	d4          Black opens up the position to take advantage of black's uncastled king.

Position after move 25.
26.	exd4	Nxd4
27.	Rc1e1	c4
28.	Re3	cxd3
29.	Re5	h6          If white's rook takes the pawn Nb3+ wins the rook.
30.	Ng5e4	Nxe4+

Position after move 30.
31.	Qxe4	Nb3+
32.	Ke3	Qc7
33.	Rd1	d2
34.	Re7	Qc5+
35.	Ke2	Rd4         White will get some counterplay but at the cost of swapping his active rook for black's inactive one.

Position after move 35.
36.	Re8+	Rxe8
37.	Qxe8+	Qf8         
38.	Qe5	Rd7
39.	Kf3	Qd8         Black threatens to win white's queen.
40.	Kg4	Rd4+

Position after move 40.
41.	f4	g6
42.	Kf3	Rd3+
43.	Ke2	Rd7         Once again threatening to win white's queen.
44.	Qe3	Re7
45.	Ne4	Nc1+

Position after move 45.
46.	Kf1	Rd7
47.	Nf6+	Qxf6
48.	Qe8+	Kg7
49.	Qxd7	Qxf4+
50.	Kg1	Qe3+
51.	Kf1	Qe2+ White resigns

Position after move 51.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

Chess.html, this hand crafted HTML file was created March 9, 2018.
Last updated April 4, 2018 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Copyright © 2018, all rights reserved.