September 2010 Meeting President's Remarks
Restoring Honor
President Obama's speech to the nation from the Oval Office on Tuesday, August 31st, 2010, was
appropriate to the occasion of the end of the "combat mission" in Iraq. It was a good first
step in restoring the nation's honor. Additional steps should include:
- The prosecution of George W. Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and Donald
Rumsfeld for murder, as described in prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi's book, The Prosecution
of George W. Bush for Murder, for their knowingly and willfully taking this nation to war
based on lies.
- The prosecution of the above and others for war crimes related to illegal invasion, rendition,
and torture.
- The restoration of habeus corpus, which is supposedly guaranteed by our Constitution.
- The cessation of illegal wiretapping of or electronic eavesdropping on US citizens.
- The restoration of posse comitatus, which used to forbid the US military being used for
police activity.
- The repeal of the so-called Patriot Act which encroaches on civil liberties while having not
been responsible for the prevention of a single terrorist act.
- The removal of all US contractors from combat roles. American fighting personnel should be US
military members only, reporting to the Commander in Chief, and obeying the laws of war, e.g.,
the Geneva Conventions, etc.
All of these abuses of the G. W. Bush years must be fully reversed before we can be said to have
restored honor to our nation. Democrats who went along with them must atone.
TDC Articles
Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com
PresidentRemarks0910.html, this handcrafted HTML file was created August 31, 2010.
Last updated September 8, 2010, by
Rick Wagner. Copyright © 2010, all rights reserved.