President's Message for Winter 2010 Newsletter

No Resting on Laurels

After you have achieved victory, tighten the chin strap on your helmet. --Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Torrance, January 15, 2009

We were all indeed thrilled with the election of President Obama and the attendant gains in both the House and Senate. So we all relaxed a bit, I suppose. I (and other concerned TDC board members) noticed a gradual decline in meeting attendance and membership. Even after several pleas for members to renew their memberships and to bring new members into the club, our membership is still not even near the level it has been in previous years.

Now there is serious talk about the probability of losing Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate to a Repugligan in next Tuesday's election. We will see how it comes out, but it doesn't look good. People, we must remain vigilant! The Repugligans never relax, and they now have relatively unlimited sources of funds (the hundreds of billions in bank bailout money they bilked us out of, for one). If you don't become alarmed and upset you will never do anything. You woke up during the Bush debacle, but now you seem to have gone back to sleep. Reawaken!

My only hope now (and it seems to be fading away too) is that we retain the Massachusetts seat in the Senate and pass the health care bill so the President can get on with the business of governing with his prestige intact. If health care dies as the Repugligans want it to, bad as it is, it will mean a more difficult path for the President to achieve his important work to

So get angry. Get motivated. Get your friends and family to attend Democratic events. Campaign for progressive candidates. The Repugligans and tea baggers aren't resting.


PresidentMessageWinter10.html, this handcrafted HTML file was created January 12, 2010.
Last updated 18, 2010, by Rick Wagner.