E-mail game White: Richard A. Jamieson (Dinorick@aol.com) Black: Rick Wagner Start: March 30, 1997 End: April 27, 1997 1. P-K4 P-QB4 Sicilian defense 2. N-KB3 P-K3 3. P-Q4 P-QR3 An innovation by Wagner, first played against International Grandmaster Koltanowski in 1973, this move allows 4 P-Q5 (4 ... N-KB3!) 4. N-QB3 PxP Necessary. 5 P-Q5 is bad for black. 5. NxP Q-B2 Transposed to the Modern defense. 6. B-K2 N-KB3 7. B-B3 Puts the king's bishop at risk. 7. N-B3 8. O-O N-K4 9. B-B4 The bishop must move again. Better is B-K3. 9. NxB ch Taking the minor exchange. 10. QxN P-Q3 11. B-K3 B-K2 12. Q-N3 O-O 13. B-R6 White presses a king-side attack. 13. N-K1 13 ... N-R4 loses. 14. KR-Q1 P-QN4 The thematic move of black's opening, preparing B-N2. 15. P-B4 B-B3 16. R-Q3 B-N2 17. R-K1 P-K4 Preventing 18 P-K5. 18. PxP Gives up any hope of advantage. Better is N-B5, after which, black has many opportunities to screw up. For example, 18 ... R-Q1 loses. 18. KBxP 19. Q-N4 B-B4 is better. 19. P-N5 20. N-Q5 Q-B5 21. N-K7+ This move gives up the initiative. 21. K-R1 22. NQ4-B5 Loses a piece. B-K3 holds. 22. PxB 23. R-KR3 The consistent continuation. White has sacrificed a bishop. 23. Q-B4+ Other moves lose. Black's free hand in the center pays off. 24. K-R1 Best is R1-K3, but still loses. K-B1 also loses after 24 ... P-QR4. 24. Q-B7 25. Resigns Black keeps the piece.
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