2003 March Meeting Demonstration

Larry Ragle demonstrated a root on rock technique of his own invention using a molding material to simulate a splitting rock.

Larry presents a computer-projected slide show about the
root on rock style. John Naka said "the rock was there first."

Larry brought in a crab apple on a rock as an example of the style.

Larry also brought a young crab apple and trident maple to
demonstrate with. The crab apple's roots turned out to be
unsuitable after unpotting, so the maple was used.

Larry opens the can of bondo. He demonstrated the molding
technique on a small rock. The demonstration rock molds had
been prepared previously.

Larry forms the maple's roots arond the rock.

The mold pieces are applied over the roots.

Soil is added in a cylinder of screen to cover the rock.

Yours truly had the incredible luck of winning the demo tree.

Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai thanks Larry for an interesting and informative demonstration. Thanks also to Elaine Pine for the digital photographs.

© 2003 by Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai, all rights reserved.
This page created March 24, 2003, by Rick Wagner. Last updated March 25, 2003 by Rick Wagner.