2002 June Meeting Demonstration: Harry Hirao

Harry Hirao is known as "Mr. California Juniper" because of his great success with collected specimens. Harry has been a strong supporter of Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai since the founding of the club. This year Harry and his assistant, Kaz Murai, performed another outstanding demonstration with this native California material.

Our club president, Rick Wagner, takes care of club
business while Harry Hirao (right) and his assistant,
Kaz Murai, clean up a Chinese juniper they donated
to the benefit drawing.

Harry continues work on the Chinese juniper which he
styled as a bunjin (literati style).

Harry with the newly-styled California juniper (also
in the bunjin style).

The magnificent bonsai was won in the benefit drawin
by Leah Calhoun, our club's fundraising co-chairman.

© 2002 by Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai, all rights reserved.
This page created July 1, 2002, by Rick Wagner. Last updated July 1, 2002 by Rick Wagner.