RightFootOffset 82; Set servo offsets LeftLegOffset 48 LeftFootOffset 60 RightLegOffset 45 Neutral; Center all servos Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 Seconds LoopStart 3 RightLeg 110 1000; Move the right leg 50 degrees right LeftLeg 110 1000; Move the left leg 50 degrees right Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second RightLeg 10 1000; Move the right 50 degrees left LeftLeg 10 1000; Move the left 50 degrees left Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LoopStart 3 LED 1 RightFoot 80 1000; Move the right foot 20 degrees LeftFoot 40 1000; Move the left foot 20 degrees Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LED 0 RightFoot 40 1000; Move the right foot 20 degrees LeftFoot 80 1000; Move the left foot 20 degrees LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LeftFoot 120 1000; tilt up on right foot using left foot servo Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 100 1000; stand on right foot Delay50ms 10 Leftfoot 0 1000; extend the left foot Delay50ms 10 Loopstart 3 LED 1 LeftLeg 10 2000; swing the left leg Delay50ms 20 LED 0 LeftLeg 110 2000; swing the left leg Delay50ms 20 LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 0 1000; tilt up on left foot using right foot servo Delay50ms 10 LeftFoot 10 1000; stand on left foot Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 120 1000; extend the left foot Delay50ms 10 Loopstart 3 LED 1 RightLeg 10 2000; swing the right leg Delay50ms 20 LED 0 RightLeg 110 2000; swing the right leg Delay50ms 20 LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LoopStart 3 LED 1 RightLeg 110 1000; Move the right leg 50 degrees right LeftLeg 110 1000; Move the left leg 50 degrees right Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LED 0 RightLeg 10 1000; Move the right 50 degrees left LeftLeg 10 1000; Move the left 50 degrees left Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LoopStart 3 LED 1 RightFoot 80 1000; Move the right foot 20 degrees LeftFoot 40 1000; Move the left foot 20 degrees Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LED 0 RightFoot 40 1000; Move the right foot 20 degrees LeftFoot 80 1000; Move the left foot 20 degrees LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LeftFoot 120 1000; tilt up on right foot using left foot servo Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 100 1000; stand on right foot Delay50ms 10 Leftfoot 0 1000; extend the left foot Delay50ms 10 Loopstart 3 LED 1 LeftLeg 10 2000; swing the left leg Delay50ms 20 LED 0 LeftLeg 110 2000; swing the left leg Delay50ms 20 LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 0 1000; tilt up on left foot using right foot servo Delay50ms 10 LeftFoot 10 1000; stand on left foot Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 120 1000; extend the left foot Delay50ms 10 Loopstart 3 RightLeg 10 2000; swing the right leg Delay50ms 20 RightLeg 110 2000; swing the right leg Delay50ms 20 LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LoopStart 3 LED 1 RightLeg 110 1000; Move the right leg 50 degrees right LeftLeg 110 1000; Move the left leg 50 degrees right Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LED 0 RightLeg 10 1000; Move the right 50 degrees left LeftLeg 10 1000; Move the left 50 degrees left Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LoopStart 3 LED 1 RightFoot 80 1000; Move the right foot 20 degrees LeftFoot 40 1000; Move the left foot 20 degrees Delay50ms 20; Wait 1 second LED 0 RightFoot 40 1000; Move the right foot 20 degrees LeftFoot 80 1000; Move the left foot 20 degrees LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 LeftFoot 120 1000; tilt up on right foot using left foot servo Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 100 1000; stand on right foot Delay50ms 10 Leftfoot 0 1000; extend the left foot Delay50ms 10 Loopstart 3 LED 1 LeftLeg 10 2000; swing the left leg Delay50ms 20 LED 0 LeftLeg 110 2000; swing the left leg Delay50ms 20 LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 0 1000; tilt up on left foot using right foot servo Delay50ms 10 LeftFoot 10 1000; stand on left foot Delay50ms 10 RightFoot 120 1000; extend the left foot Delay50ms 10 Loopstart 3 LED 1 RightLeg 10 2000; swing the right leg Delay50ms 20 LED 0 RightLeg 110 2000; swing the right leg Delay50ms 20 LoopEnd Neutral Delay50ms 10