June 2020 Journal Photos


I continue to stay home and recuperate from surgery on May 27. Monday, June 1, T = 98.3 F.

The Goldberg-Shlain family. Ken sent this picture along with his invitation to the Zoom alumni reunion during virtual ICRA 2008. Ken
has co-authored a children's book with his daughter Blooma: How to Train Your Robot (copyright by authors, all rights reserved).

Tuesday, June 2, T = 98.0 F, W = 200.2 lb.

Our friend Julie, in Hermosa Beach, California, sent us this MP4 video of a protest march on the Strand.

Wednesday, June 3, T = 98.1 F, W = 200.4 lb.

On Wednesday, June 3rd, I participated in the Zoom reunion of Ken Goldberg's lab at Berkeley as one of his graduate students, on the occasion of virtual ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) 2020. ICRA this year was supposed to be in Paris, but has gone "virtual" due to the coronavirus concerns.

Here's a screen grab from the AutoLab reunion.

On Wednesday, June 3rd, Andrea went for a walk and took pictures of Wailupe stream. This one is from May 15.

After her walk while I did the Zoom meeting, Andrea and I went for a drive to see the big surf at Diamond Head.

Photo by Andrea.

Thursday, June 4, T = 97.8 F, W = 199.6 lb. I visited both Dr. Nishida and Dr. Chou and got my Foley catheter removed.

Back in May, on Wednesday the 27th, Dr. Nishida had removed my appendix, and then Dr. Chou did the prostatectomy, all in the same six-hour operation with robotic laproscopy at Queen's Medical Center, downtown.

Both appendix and prostate pathology reports show clear margins but some concern for residual cancer which we will monitor in the future. Prostate specific antigen (blood PSA) should go to zero and remain there. I will get my first blood test in five weeks. There is no chemical test for the mucinous neoplasm of the appendix, so I will get a body scan in three months and a year after that. Continuing drugs (for one more week) are antibiotic Amox-Clav 500-125 mg twice daily and stool softener Ducosate Sodium 100 mg twice daily.

Friday, June 5, T = 98.2 F, W = 200.0 lb. Went the night with a dry diaper, up four times to pee. Today is my first full day without a catheter.

This cartoon was in a recent New Yorker so I scanned it. One of the best chess cartoons I've seen in a while. Copyright New Yorker.

Saturday, June 6, T = 97.6 F, W = 201.8 lb.

Sunday morning I photographed the orchid I brought in for Andrea's birthday coming up Tuesday.

A chess game I played in June against my computer.

Sunday, June 7, T = 97.8 F, W = 200.2 lb.

Sunday morning Andrea and I went for a walk up Lawelawe St. and back down Hind Iuka St.

Sunday afternoon Andrea and I listened to the Zoom delegate candidates for the Democratic Convention (national), and then we voted for five, confirmation number 84983142.

Andrea's Birthday

Tuesday, June 9 is Andrea's birthday. We had a consultation with oncologist Dr. Jared Ocoba after lunch out at Kuakini medical center. He recommends monitoring PSA only.

Birthday breakfast: Portuguese sausage with birthday present super soakers and water mist cooling fan.

Birthday dinner: We had slow-cook ribs and I made desserts. Afterward we watched The Importance of Being Earnest on Amazon Prime.

Wednesday, June 10, had a morning teleconference (8:30 AM) with Dr. Chou. He's pleased that I'm doing well and suggests possible treatment for penile bloodflow in the future.

Andrea and I attended a 9:00 AM Zoom meeting with Manoa Heritage Center.

Thursday afternoon, June 11, Andrea and I brought some lychee to Danny and he gave us an opo squash.

Friday morning, June 12, Andrea got her hair cut at the Black Kat in Kaimuiki.

I got my E-ticket for the MHC Zoom event next week.

Thirty-ninth Wedding Anniversary

Saturday, June 13, T = 98.1 F, W = 199.0 lb. Andrea fixed eggs and sausages for breakfast. The Anniversary Fairy left gifts at our places at the table.

Breakfast with yesterday's crossword. The Star-Advertiser quit their Saturday edition over a month ago due to the Trump recession.

Leavings of the Anniversary Fairy. Dark chocolate Macadamia nut clusters for Andrea.

An all-weather pen with waterproof notepad, in case of Hurricane I suppose. Also a cool new shirt (draped over chair).

After breakfast we went to the Waikiki Aquarium to pick up a wet bag for the donation we gave to the Friends of the Waikiki Aquarium.

Later Saturday morning we walked to Waihou Street to see the concrete pouring. They're concreting in their entire front yard.

Flag Day

Sunday, June 14, is Flag Day 2020 in the USA.

Flying flag and bonsai bench. Click the image to see the full resolution version.

My weight today, Sunday, is 199.2 lb. T = 97.9 F. All body temperatures listed in this journal are by oral digital thermometer.

Drive to Makapuu

Monday, June 15, after our morning walk, Andrea and I drove out to Makapuu to take a look.

Devastatingly beautiful sea and sky at Makapuu.

The photographer, by Andrea.

The cove and beach at Makapuu.

One of several by Andrea.

For those interested, here follows a summary of my recent medical experience, that I sent by email to my brother-in-law Christian:

My prostate surgeon (robotic laproscopic) took note of an enlarged appendix in the body scans and asked an experienced general surgeon to take a look. He recommended removing the appendix at the same time as the prostate. It was a mucineal neoplasm, not cancer, but potentially dangerous. They got both the appendix and prostate just in time. It was six hours of surgery with two surgeons and an anesthesiologist. I was a bit groggy upon waking later in the evening, but slept the night well and was able to leave the hospital late the next afternoon. All margins are clear in the pathology report and no sign of cancer in the lymph nodes. I get my PSA tested in a few weeks, and if it goes to zero and stays there, I'll know I'm cured. Hoping for the best.

I had a catheter and urine bag strapped to my leg for a week (slept with a larger bed bag), which was really annoying. After two weeks, I could lift light dumbbells, and after three weeks I am jogging short distances and doing small amounts of pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups. Gradually getting back in shape.

Tuesday, June 16, I downloaded this cute Jetsons style image from the Raypunk Facebook group.

New Blinds Installation

We ordered new blinds for the front and office windows and they arrived recently. Now for the installation.

Tuesday, June 16, Andrea painted the 2 x 2 spacer I cut and then we screwed it into place above the office windows.

Andrea painted again after I put the quarter round molding on the ends.

Wednesday morning I downloaded this artwork by my friend Margo. Click the image to see the full resolution version. Here's the story:
Legend of Ngerchokl (short version): A woman wanted to become young again so dove into the magic pool of fresh water. She instantly
transformed into a beautiful young maiden. Her little daughter did not recognize her and called, "I want my mother, you are not my
mother." Realizing that her daughter was more precious than her own vanity, the mother dipped back into the pool and turned back into
herself. The daughter joyfully embraced her! "Mother, where did you go? There was a strange lady here. I am so glad you are back."
And they lived happily ever after.

Wednesday afternoon Andrea and I went for a walk around the stream, across Hind Drive bridge and back across the Ani Street bridge.

Thursday, June 18: Weight = 199.0 lb, Temperature = 98.5 F.

Thursday afternoon, 18 June, Andrea and I participated in a Ted Lieu (California Congressman) Zoom meeting.


Friday, June 19, is Juneteenth, a celebration of freedom, which marks the day Union troops completed spreading the word of the freedom of former slaves throughout the South. Galveston, Texas, was the last place reached on June 19, 1865, and the proclamation was read.

Flying the winner flag on Juneteenth.

Assembling the support brackets.


Summer Solstice

Saturday, June 20, is the summer solstice and also this year it's a new moon. No party this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, of course, so Andrea and I are celebrating at home with a special potato salad and fried chicken she's making. Delicious!

Saturday morning I photographed my potted pineapple.

Later that morning Andrea went to visit Mom in the care home.

Andrea brought home a special Father's Day gift from Becky: Midsummer Solstice gin from Hendrick's of Scotland.

In the evening I made martinis from the Midsummer Solstice gin.

Father's Day

Sunday, June 21, Andrea fixed me a special breakfast of eggs and Portuguese sausage.

After breakfast I photographed this orchid that's blooming well.

We went for a walk up Ailuna Street. This is the 1951 water works installation just below the elementary school Andrea attended.

Andrea prepared a fantastic lobster and steak Father's Day dinner.

Ready to dig in.

Devin Oishi borrowed the art surfboard he sold us for an art exhibition in Kakaako. He sent us two photos of the setup. First image.
Click the image to see the full resolution version.

Second image. Click the image to see the full resolution version.

Poinsettia Bonsai

Robert sent me a nice glazed low round pot for Father's Day and I put a white poinsettia in it as a bonsai.

Here's the pot. It came with a round wooden base.

This is the white poinsettia.

The white poinsettia after pruning.

The bonsai after potting. It should be blooming nicely by Christmastime.

I made a separate page for the bonsai poinsettia photos.

Brunch at the Hau Treee Lanai

Andrea and I went out to a restaurant for the first time in over two months on Wednesday, June 24.

We arrived a half hour early for the 10:30 AM reservation and went for a walk behind the Waikiki Aquarium. We saw some fish.

We got the right front corner table by the old railing.

Non-alcoholic plantation iced tea for two. The bus boy took our photo before our sandwiches arrived. Andrea had the portobello mushroom
sandwich, and I had the Kaimana Club House sandwich (ham, turkey, avocado, bacon, and tomato on whole wheat toast).

Blinds Installation

Andrea and I finished intalling the new blinds for the front room on Sunday morning, June 28.

The track is up and now for hanging the blinds.

All hung up and now cleaning the front window.

Furniture put back and talking to Mom.

A new view through the front window. Photo by Andrea.

From the outside. Photo by Andrea.

Andrea's Amazon Prime options for evening entertainment (supposedly free to Prime members like me):

The Out of Towners - comedy adventure; we declined to pay for it (four bucks).

From Prada to Nada - dramedy; watched Tuesday night.

Sahara - adventure; watched Monday night.

Turnover - dramedy; watched Wednesday night, July 1. Rather nice story about a small town restaurant and people working together.

Barefoot in the Park - comedy; watched Sunday night, 1967 Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. Good acting but I wouldn't watch it again.

The Lady Vanishes - mystery; went to it on Thursday, July 2, but declined to pay (four bucks).

Sunday afternoon I Zoom-met with the philosophy discussion group. The topic was public statues and monuments.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

index.html: this hand crafted, human readable HTML file was created May 31, 2020.
Last updated July 2, 2020 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Text and images Copyright © 2020, unless otherwise attributed, all rights reserved.