Bonsai Display at Natsunoya Tea House

Rainbow Bonsai Club agreed to provide a small display of bonsai at the Natsunoya Tea House on Thursday evening, January 23, for a financial organization's New Year party. Six club members participated.

I set up my tree, a moyogi kiawe with mountain viewing stone, when we arrived at the Natsunoya Tea House and moved it more to the right later.
Photo by Andrea.

After setting up the bonsai display, we were greeted by David.

John set up a demonstration table and we had four donated trees for the raffle after dinner.

After Ryan brought his large banyan tree, we had four bonsai in the main display.

With my kiawe bonsai. Photo by First Allied.

We paused for a group photo at the demonstration table. Photo by Andrea.

Just over a hundred attended.

Selfie with attendee Jennifer.

The view from the stage. Buffet dinner is about to begin. I had salad, rice, butterfish, chicken, steak, and shrimp tempura. Outstanding.

Singing entertainment by Shanita Akama who won first place in the National Association of Teachers singing competition. Shanita teaches
chorus at Waianae Intermediate School.

Ryan called the winning numbers in the raffle with help by Cheryl. Photo by Andrea.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

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Last updated January 28, 2020 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Text and images Copyright © 2020, unless otherwise attributed, all rights reserved.