New Bonsai Bench

Wednesday morning, August 19, Andrea and I went to City Mill to buy boards to make a new bonsai bench to replace the old one with rotting boards, nearly eight years old. The new bench will be slightly longer and wider than the old one.

On the way back from City Mill we stopped in Kuliouou to drop of Mom's prescription at the care home. This is the view of the
Ewa ridge and cliff from the care home.

I laid out the four one-by-ten boards, six feet long, on saw horses in the back yard for painting. The old bench is in the background.

The top side is painted before lunch using the same pastel blue paint as for the house.

Cross straps are installed and more paint is applied. The old bench has been taken down from the masonry block supports.

A new pandemic order is issued by the mayor.

Completed bench with bonsai.

Another view of the completed bench.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

BonsaiBench.html: this hand crafted, human readable HTML file was created August 21, 2020.
Last updated August 21, 2020 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Text and images Copyright © 2020, all rights reserved.