November 2019 Journal Photos
November first fell on a Friday this year, and there are four Thursdays this month, so Thanksgiving, always falling on the fourth Thursday in
November, comes fairly late in the month, November 28. Friday, the first, was my last day of the seven day regimen of the antibiotic Bactrim
prescribed for a skin infection, so I mostly took it easy that day, reading, doing some light bonsai work and, of course, watering.
Yard Work
Saturday, the second, I mowed the lawn with a full weed whacking and a hosing down of the back step, which included washing the back door mats.
Andrea put away the Halloween decorations, cut koa haole by the stream, and pruned a large branch off the plumeria tree that was shading our
mountain apple ('ohia 'ai).

On Sunday the third, Andrea took Mom to get her nails done and she had a pumpkin spice frappuccino. Photo by Andrea. In the afternoon we
drove to City Mill in Hawaii Kai and bought coral sand and a new hose for the side yard.
Dinner at Simina's
Andrea and I had dinner at Simina's place in Waikiki on Monday evening, November 4.

On Monday we received a postcard from Becky from Huntsville, Alabama, where she's working temporarily at the NASA center.

We went for a swim in the afternoon before walking to Simina's apartment. Then we walked into Waikiki and strolled through the International
Market Place. Andrea stopped at the flip flop shop and got some new ones.

After dinner I got a photo of Simina, Kai, and Andrea in the love corner.

Photo by Simina.
Mission Houses Tour
Wednesday, November 6, is the day of my regular Wedneday Mission Houses docent duty.

Wednesday morning we had a very red sky at dawn. Trade winds are back, but no rain is predicted until Saturday.

Hale pili construction continued at the Mission Houses site.

A view to the west.

Andrea and I went for a swim in the afternoon and I saw this drummer practicing at the Natatorium.
Kai's Weekend Visit
Kai Van Clief stayed with Andrea and me over Veteran's Day weekend while his parents were both traveling off-island.

Thursday, November 7, after school and homework were done, Kai broke open a dragon's egg to reveal the crystals inside. Photo by Andrea.

Safety glasses are a must. The egg broke into several pieces. Photo by Andrea.

Friday I dropped Kai off at school and then went to a doctor's appointment on Ward Avenue. Police interact with people living on Young Street.

Nearing the medical office as I cross Thomas Square.
Tree Planting Ceremony at Kapiolani Park
Kai came with Andrea and me to the tree planting ceremony at Kapiolani Park on Saturday morning, November 9.

At the welcome table for the ceremony in honor of Arbor Day in Hawaii.

Two canopies with seats were set up not far from Dillingham Fountain.

Andrea chatted with Kahu Lawrence Kidder from Kapolei.

Kahu Lawrence, Heidi Bornhorst, and the MC.

We all got a turn with the golden shovels. Kai spreads mulch into a lei about the rainbow shower tree, one of four.

I helped too. Photo by Andrea.
Lunch at Jade Dynasty with the Rainbow Bonsai Club
Kai came with Andrea and me to the first annual Rainbow Bonsai Club lunch on Sunday, November 10.

We arrived before opening time at 10:30 AM and there was a big line waiting to get in for Sunday dim sum.

We had two tables (20 seats) in the private room to the right of the entrance.

We had 17 all togther, three empty seats.

One table.

The other table. Food was great. Kai won a bonsai, a gemelina (parrot's beak), in the prize give-away. Andrea got a weeding tool.
Here's a
chess game
I played with the computer over Veteran's Day weekend.
Planter Box and Kamani Tree
Kai and I worked on building a planter box all weekend and on his last day, Monday, November 11, we planted a kamani tree in it.

We varnished the planter and a small bonsai stand on Sunday afternoon and they both dried overnight. Photo by Andrea.

Putting in potting soil. Photo by Andrea.

Carrying the planted tree for watering. Photo by Andrea.

Watering it in. Photo by Andrea.
Aina Haina Prepared Monthly Meeting
Andrea and I attended the meeting on Tuesday evening, November 12.

On Tuesday afternoon we went for a swim and I saw these two chess players near the Aquarium. Photo with permission.
I didn't get any photos at the meeting itself, where we planned the year-end party coming up December 10.
Aina Haina Community Association Annual Meeting
Andrea and I attended the meeting on Wednesday evening, November 13.

Aina Haina Prepared members arrived early and set up our banner and a table of handouts.

City Councilmember Tommy Waters videos the majority giving thumbs down on the Ala Moana Park playground.
Manoa Heritage Center Tour
I helped as a docent with fourth graders at Manoa Heritage Center on Friday morning, November 15.

First I helped with the ahupuaa game and then I took a group on a tour of the grounds.

In the afternoon I photographed this hau tree I am growing for bonsai material. Thinking about where to cut in the future (red lines).
Legislative Priorities Meeting with the Democratic Party
I went to the Democratic Party Legislative Priorities meeting at the Aina Haina Public Library on Saturday afternoon, November 16, while
Andrea helped Manoa Heritage Center with Adele tabling at Waldorf School.

Saturday morning Andrea took Lenore for a drive and she got this fine picture of Molokai, Lanai (far right), and Maui (background) from the
Lanai lookout on the Ka Iwi coast. Increasing chances for thunderstorms are predicted for tonight.

Tabling at the Waldorfair. Photo by Andrea.

After lunch I pruned the hau tree in the terra cotta pot.

State Senator Stanley Chang discusses affordable high-rise housing. Photo via Stanley Chang's Facebook page.

State House Representative Kurt Kobayashi and Senator Chang led some discussions after the constituent input. Photo via Stanley Chang's Facebook page.

State House Representative Mark Hashem also attended the legislative priorities meeting.

Sunday morning I took this "before" picture of the twin hau trees.

I pruned the twin hau trees before lunch too.
Furniture Refinishing I
Simina brought over a piece of furniture, a nice looking night stand, Sunday evening, November 17. I said I would help her refinish it.

Monday morning I took this photo of my view while doing situps. I was struck by the play of light on the orchid. Click the image to see the full
resolution version.

Monday morning I also took this "before" picture of Simina's walnut night stand.

I repaired a break in the top with epoxy and clamp and then stripped the bad spots.

All ready for varnishing. Photo by Simina.

All done. Varnished the outside and added some purple paint to the shelves. Photo by Andrea.

Andrea and I went for a swim Monday afternoon. The sand eroded during the summer swells still has not returned. The sand used to be at the base of
the steps to the Sans Souci Apartments. The rubble of the foundation for the pier destroyed in Hurricane Iniki is usuall covered with sand.
Manoa Heritage Center Tours
Andrea and I went to the Manoa Heritage Center for help with fourth grade tours on Tuesday morning, November 19. We didn't get any photos at the
Manoa Heritage Center. Then we drove to Longs Drugs in Aina Haina to get shingles shots, for which we have prescriptions from Dr. Levy, but they
were out of the vaccine and put us on the waiting list.
Mission Houses Tour
Andrea went to her routine doctor's appointment while I did my weekly Mission Houses Museum tour on Wednesday, November 20. I didn't get
any photos at the Mission Houses.

Andrea walked early Thursday morning, November 20, taking several pictures of the stream. This is looking makai from the Hind Drive bridge.
Furniture Refinishing II
On Thursday Simina brought over another piece of furniture, a side table (or secretary), with a fold out top. It looks like it's from the 1930s
and is in fairly good condition, but needs re-assembly of the carcase and the top has been slightly water damaged. I will see what I can do.

Andrea helped me turn the table upside down.

The folding top has been removed and placed on saw horses.

The loose leg joint has been glued with expoxy and held with a rope and tourniquet clamp.

Saturday morning, November 23, after cleaning with steel wool and paint thinner and a coat of furniture varnish.

We are preparing to wrap Ku in white tissue paper for Makahiki on this rainy day.

The folded out table top after cleaning with steel wool and paint thinner and a coat of furniture varnish.

Lono in the fore with Ku wrapped for Makahiki.
Simina's Housewarming Party
Andrea and I went to Simina's Housewarming Party on Saturday evening, November 23. She moved from a higher floor on the makai side of her
Waikiki apartment building to the fifth floor on the mauka side. We arrived early to help her hang a fabric wall hanging, bringing some
wine and crispy gau gee from Aina Haina Chop Suey.

With some earlier arrivals. The wall hanging is on the right. Photo by Simina.

Simina (right) with some guests.

Shaka with Andrea and Simina. Photo by Ivana.

Thomas played ukulele and sang and Ivana strummed along.

Two birthdays were celebrated with cake and candles, Tony and Fernando.

Sunday morning, November 24, before mowing the lawn, I assembled Simina's table and brought it in the house until she can pick it up.
Once at Manoa Valley Theater
Andrea and I went to see Once, a romantic musical comedy, at Manoa Valley Theater on Sunday afternoon, November 24. Laurel and Adele
were in the season ticket line there too, and we sat together.

A nice rainbow behind the Safeway parking lot in Manoa.

The stage set. The play takes place in Dublin, Ireland, and is about a singer-songwriter who loves two women, one gone to New York and the other
a Czech immigrant with a child and an absent husband.

We had cocktails and pupu afterward at the Sunset Lanai bar at the Kaimana Hotel.

Monday morning, while doing my weight lifting, I noticed that the black dragon hibiscus had four flowers open.

Devin sent this photo of Mark glazing (expoxy coating) the surf board artwork we agreed to buy at the land and sea festival last month.

Devin sent this view of the board all ready to hang.
Docent Appreciation Lunch at Manoa Heritage Center
Andrea and I went to the docent appreciation lunch at Manoa Heritage Center on Tuesday, November 26.

Devin is also a docent at Manoa Heritage Center and he brought the board with him.

David gave a talk on the endangered native land snails.

We all had buffet lunch after the talk and awards to volunteers. Andrea received a lei, pin, and lunch certificate.
Mission Houses Tour
I went to my weekly Mission Houses tour on Wednesday, November 27, while Andrea stayed home and prepared a tiramisu dessert for Thanksgiving.

I took this photo from the Mission Houses across King Street to Honolulu Hale where Christmas decorations are being put up.

I photographed these two interesting old concrete and brick buildings on Mission Lane on the way to the 7-11 to buy Coke and Cheetos.

Wednesday evening we took Mom to Roy's for dinner.
Business was very slow at the Mission Houses Museum and I had no 11:00 AM tour, so I left at ten after.
We invited some friends over for Thanksgiving dinner.

We wore our Turkey Drop shirts Becky gave us and took this selfie to show her. I cut off the top of my head. Oh well.

At first it was just Lynn who showed up. We had lots of food.

Then Simina and Kai came. Thomas couldn't make it.

Photo by Simina.

Andrea and Kai.

Photo by Andrea.

Simina and Kai send me photos.

Several desserts too.

Photo by Kai.
Mission Houses Tour
Andrea and I went to help with Mission Houses tours on Friday, November 29. There was no 11:00 AM tour, but we had five for the
noon tour.

Andrea and I went to the beach after breakfast. She walked around Kapiolani Park while I swam.

Getting packed up after my swim. Photo by Andrea.

While waiting for the tour at Mission Houses, I walked across the street to photograph the September 11, 2001 memorial at Honolulu Hale.

Andrea talks about the 1821 model of the mission.
Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com
index.html: this hand crafted, human readable HTML file was created November 3, 2019.
Last updated November 29, 2019 by
Dr. Rick Wagner. Text and images Copyright © 2019, unless otherwise attributed, all rights reserved.