September 2017 Journal Photos

Here is a computer chess game I played in September.

Okinawa Festival

I showed a bonsai in the Okinawa Festival in Kapiolani Park over Labor Day weekend.


Andrea and I brought my tree for the bonsai display on Friday morning, September 1st.

My bonsai is this seven year old hau tree with a dwarf hala accent plant.

Andrea with Jim, the bonsai display coordinator for the Hawaii Bonsai Association (HBA).


Andrea and I went down to Kapiolani Park for the Okinawa Festival early on Saturday morning, September 2nd.

We had breakfast at Lulu's and sat next to Jim and his wife.

The bonsai display looks nice. My tree is the larger one in the middle.

Andrea took photos of the trees.

Penjing style allows ceramic figures. Bonsai does not. This one belongs to HBA President Warren Yamamoto.

We couldn't resist a photo in the lion's mouth. Photo by Andrea.

Entertainment at the stage in the park.

Inside the Okinawan cultural tent.

Andrea payed for her purchases in the shopping tent.

Strange things these days at the supermarket checkout line. Photo by Andrea.


Sunday, September 3nd, we had a Rainbow Bonsai Club meeting in the morning in Waimanalo. Then we drove to Kapiolani Park to work in the afternoon at the HBA bonsai exhibit at the Okinawan Festival.

Vice President John Arafiles met demonstrator Dennis Makishima at the Queen Kapiolani Hotel in Waikiki and took him to breakfast
before bringing him to the Plant Place in Waimanalo for the meeting.

Dennis worked on the club bonsai, a raft style Hollywood juniper, kept at Keith's house.

Dennis talked a lot about the philosophy and practice of bonsai.

The event was well attended. We had a benefit drawing afterward, but the demonstration tree was kept by the club for future display.

The Okinawan Festival was very crowded when we arrived. Andrea dropped me off across the park and then went to find parking on Campbell Ave.

There was a continuous stream of visitors to the bonsai exhibit.

Entertainment included the headlining singer from Japan.

On Monday, Andrea and I went to Slumber World on Beretania to buy a queen sized guest bed and a new king sized matress for us.

Aina Haina Prepared Recognition

Andrea was invited to the Civil Defense office at Diamond Head for recognition for her work with Aina Haina Prepared on Tuesday afternoon, September 5th.

"Sunshine came softly through my window today." The front room looks nice all lit up with morning sun.

In the morning we went to the UH Credit Union to withdraw from my IRA to pay for the new guest bed we bought at Slumber World.
Then we went to pay for it, and then stopped at Manoa Heritage Center to pick up materials for tomorrow's volunteer event at UH.

After stopping at the Aina Haina post office to mail a box to Becky and Eric, we arrived at the Civil Defense Operations Center
inside Diamond Head crater.

Helen received her award.

Danny received his award.

Andrea receiving her certificate of recognition.

All the honorees with Vern, the Civil Defense manager.

Andrea's certificate.

On Wednseday, Andrea helped to recruit volunteers for Manoa Heritage Center at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Photo by Andrea.

Ham Radio License Class

Andrea and I attended our first ham radio license class at the Manoa Innovation Center from 7:00 to 9:00 PM on Thursday evening, September 7th.

Thursday morning Andrea and I went to Lowes and Indich looking for a rug for the guest room. Inside the Indich overstock warehouse
at Bethel and Nimitz. The rug in the foreground is the one we got.

The rug looks good in the guest bedroom.

We went to the beach in the afternoon. It wasn't crowded.

Steve taught the ham class.

The Carbon Neutrality Project

Andrea and I assisted at the Carbon Neutrality Project tree planting event sponsored by the Outdoor Circle at Saunders Hall at UH on Sunday morning, September 10th.

Camillo's daughter Andrea gave us a talk on offsetting CO2 production by planting trees.

Camillo photographed us preparing lonomea and wiliwili seeds.

Retired veterenarian Brian and I went looking for the wiliwili tree near the Hamilton Library.

There's a beautiful 1961 Charlot tile installation on the ground floor of Saunders Hall.

After preparing the seeds we went downstairs to mix potting soil and plant them in tall plastic pots.

It was a clear Monday morning when we drove to town for surgery with Dr. Ellison for removal of a skin cancer from the top of my head.

Guest Bedroom Queen Sized Bed Delivery

The bed we had ordered from Slumber World arrived on Tuesday, September 12th. We also got the replacement mattress for our bedroom, but it turned out to be the wrong size. A full sized king matress will arrive in six weeks.

The new bed.

We went to lunch at Gyotaku.

Honolulu Museum of Art

Andrea and I went downtown for routine dental appointments to Dr. Wong's office on Wednesday, September 13th, and afterward went to the Honolulu Museum of Art to see the abstract art exhibit.

We parked on the street on the Diamond Head side of the museum at a metered spot (free for electric cars) and walked around to the front.

We entered just as they opened at 10:00 AM and renewed our membership, and paid the extra ten dollars to see the abstract show.

The Hawaiian art exhibit had a Madge Tenant in view upon entering.

Lloyd Sexton's "Egrets and Pandanus" screen was behind glass. We have a print of this in the middle bathroom.

On Thursday afternoon Andrea studied for our ham radio class with Napoleon's help.

On Friday Faye posted some photos from Paris. The Pantheon.

Faye's daughter Madeline in Paris.

The Full Monty at Manoa Valley Theater

Andrea and I went went to see The Full Monty at Manoa Valley Theater on Sunday afternoon. Showtime at 4:00 PM.

Andrea helped at the preparedness outreach display at Costco from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Sunday.

Malia sent us some photos from a trip to a museum. Cute!

Some birds there.

Kids together at the museum.

The Manoa Valley Theater has a graveyard in front.

The stage setting for The Full Monty.

After the musical play we went around to the shopping center and had dinner at Paesano's restaurant.

Lunch at Outback

Andrea and I picked up Lenore for lunch at Outback on Friday, September 22nd.

I'm never going to learn cat, so I'm trying to teach our cats English. Words like "in," "out," and "eat" should be teachable.
Not much success so far. A few nights ago I had a dream that our cats were talking, in English. I overheard them. They were
talking about their dreams. The first cat said that she dreamed about snow for over an hour. The second cat said he dreamed
about rainbows. I thought nobody's going to believe me when I tell them I heard the cats speaking English. Then I woke up.

We had a table by the window. Lenore has the crab cakes. Andrea and I had tacos.

We took a drive around Makapuu and saw a paraglider in the updrafts along the clifs.

We drove a little way past Sea Life Park and stopped to see the monk seal lounging in a sandy bottomed tide pool.

The monk seal's name is Right Spot.

On Saturday, September 23rd, Andrea attended an all day training class in shelter management at the Red cross near Diamond Head while I stayed home and varnished the replacement door, mowed the lawn, and trimmed my nails and beard.

Mitsuo Aoki Legacy Foundation Annual Meeting

Andrea and I arrived early at the Mitsuo Aoki Legacy Foundation Annual Meeting in order to help set up and greet guests at the request of President Alan Gamble on Sunday, September 24th, at 10:30 AM.

The keiki were let out early from the church service to attend Sunday School.

This is the biggest ficus benjamina that I have ever seen. It was planted in 1933 and shades the parking lot behind the Church
of the Crossroads.

People began to arrive around 11:00 AM and kept on coming past the starting time of noon.

Alan greeted the guests. It was a full house.

There was table seating for 120 and a few dozen chairs in the back for overflow.

After the business meeting, we had lunch, followed by the video of conversations between Mits and Roger Long.

On Monday afternoon we went to the beach and saw two monk seals, Rocky, foreground, who gave birth to Kaimana last summer,
and a new young male companion. Photo by Andrea.

I took this photo of the pair a while later.

On Tuesday Andrea and I drove to Physician's Office Building (POB II) to get my head stitches removed. This is the view from the
fourth floor parking structure. That's the Board of Water Supply building in the foreground.

Tuesday evening I taught a class on introduction to programming for the Kalani High School robotics team.

Over 50 years ago, my mother at Heidelberg Bridge. The statue is Carl Theodor who had the bridge built 1788.

Yesterday, Becky at the same place. Photo by Anita Meldt. Click the image to see the full resolution and uncropped version.

Ragtime at Diamond Head Theater

Andrea and I went to the theater to see Ragtime on Thursday evening, September 28th, at 7:30 PM.

We went to the beach in the afternoon and a monk seal appeared while I was off doing my pull-ups and bar dips. Photo by Andrea.

I got this photo as I was returning from the Natatorium/Aquarium end of Sans Souci Beach Park.

It had just gotten dark when we got there.

The stage set. It was a powerful musical play about class and prejudice. Photo by Andrea.

Saturday Barbecue

We barbecued a whole chicken on Saturday evening, September 30th.

Cat flophouse?

Faye joined us for cocktails before dinner.

Faye and Andrea made up the guest bed for a trial run.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

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Last updated October 1, 2017 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Copyright © 2017, all rights reserved.