TUSD School Board 2009

Tim Goodrich held a meet and greet event for Michael Wermers on Saturday, October 17, at the club house at his condo in North Torrance.

Rick Wagner, President of the Torrance Democratic Club, with Michael
Wermers, candidate for the Torrance Unified School District (TUSD)
Board of Trustees.

Michael Wermers with his Wife, Cindy, and three of their children, all
attending Torrance public schools.

The Wermers family with meet and greet event guests Charles and Teresa

Tim Goodrich praises Michael Wermers.

Torrance City Councilwoman Susan Rhilinger speaks crowd (also in picture,
L to R: Michael Wermers, Paul Nowatka, Tim Goodrich, and Neil McFarlane).

Former Torrance Mayor Dee Hardison introduces Michael. Former Torrance City
Councilman Paul Nowatka, behind Dee.


index.html, this file was created October 20, 2009.
Last updated October 26, 2009, by Rick Wagner.