June 2010 Meeting President's Remarks

Defeat of Propositions 16 and 17

When I sent out the TDC meeting agenda a week before the June meeting, the topic of the President's Remarks agenda item was "the defeat of props. 16 and 17." Yes, I predicted that they would go down.

The electric power industry (PG&E) and insurance companies (primarily Mercury Insurance) spent millions on slick TV ads and mailers promoting those two evil corporatists initiatives. So what went wrong for them (right for us)? It may be that those who vote in primaries are more sophisticated than the corporations think they are.

The PG&E and insurance company shareholders should hold their boards of directors accountable for wasting corporate money trying to corrupt the law. But more imporantly, I think, is that the electric utilities and automotile insurance industries are regulated and ought not to be trying to deceptively influence tha law. Corporations in the last eight years have been slipping out of their bonds. It's time to resume enforcing the regulations and putting the regulated utilities and industries back in their chains.

Victory for Betsy Butler

This 53rd AD race saw an unprecedented negative campaign against Betsy Butler with outright (provable) lies accusing her of ridiculous things, paid for by corporations, especially ing the medical insurance business, even though California already has a quarter million dollar cap on pain and suffering awards to people injured by medical doctors and insurers.

I voted for Betsy Butler because she is competent, smart, and has good values. The club did not endorse a candidate for the 53rd AD because we had so many good Democrats running, but I privately urged people to vote for Betsy. A lot of people said to me that anyone that the corporations spend that much money against must be a great candidate for the people.

Betsy will be attending our Victory Party, so be sure to RSVP and come and wish Betsy well in the coming campaign against the Repugligan candidate.

TDC President's Remarks Page

Rick's Politics Page


PresidentRemarks0610.html, this handcrafted HTML file was created June 11, 2010.
Last updated June 11, 2010, by Rick Wagner.