Ted Lieu

Ted's January 12, 2017 statement on Russian hacking:

I have now read the highly classified intelligence report on Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections. I analyzed the report from my perspective as a computer science major and as a Member of the National Security Subcommittee of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee. >p> Here is my reaction: there is clear and convincing evidence to support the conclusions of the intelligence community as set forth in the unclassified version of the report. Russian hacking of Americans and American political organizations during the 2016 U.S. presidential election was multifaceted and brazen, with the goals of undermining faith in the U.S. democratic process and harming Secretary Clinton's electability. Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for Trump. I believe Trump is actively misleading Americans when he says the Russians did not attempt to help his election chances and denigrate Secretary Clinton’s electability. Cyber espionage against American political organizations and cyber intrusions into our electoral boards are not partisan issues, they are American issues. I call on every Member of Congress who has been briefedon or read the classified report to tell Trump that he needs to tell the truth to the American people. At stake is not just our national security, but the very fabric of our democracy. http://bit.ly/2io9TIf

Ted with his wife Betty and sons Brennan and Austin.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

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