The Best of Facebook Propaganda for 2021

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The definition of Republican hypocrisy? December 24, 2021.

Just saying. One party seems to have more self-control. December 20, 2021.

Xtians for Xmas. December 15, 2021.

Didn't get it again. December 14, 2021.

Principled. December 14, 2021.

Hypocrisy much? December 13, 2021.

Kentucky hypocrisy. December 11, 2021.

Will find a way. December 8, 2021.

Explanation. December 6, 2021.

Principled. December 5, 2021.

Rights. December 5, 2021.

Obsessing is what they do. November 27, 2021.

Democrats do it. November 19, 2021.

Undeniable. November 16, 2021.

Not bad, eh? November 15, 2021.

These are all true and fact checked. Democrats don't fear the historical. Progress and improvement are what we are about. November 14, 2021.

Complacency is unfortunately part of human nature. November 10, 2021.

Smarter. November 10, 2021.

The result of Republican politicizing of covid precautions. November 8, 2021.

Democratic responsibility. November 6, 2021.

In the wrong career to begin with. November 5, 2021.

Not just NASA. November 4, 2021.

I checked it out. It's true. November 2, 2021.

They seem to lose touch with regular people. October 30, 2021.

Remember. October 29, 2021.

Fairness. October 29, 2021.

Just show up. October 28, 2021.

It's not pretty. October 28, 2021.

Our greatest threat. October 27, 2021.

What it is. October 27, 2021.

Tax those billionaires. October 27, 2021.

Fun with dots. October 27, 2021.

Is American "culture" the epitome of modern existence? Apparently conservatives think so. They should travel more. October 27, 2021.

No whining. October 22, 2021.

Shocking. October 22, 2021.

Numbah one. October 22, 2021.

Hiding. October 21, 2021.

Logic wins again. October 19, 2021.

He said this in September, 2016, in an email to a former aide. October 19, 2021.

Conservatives have always impeded progress. October 18, 2021.

The ignorant action of the January 6 stormers of our capitol. Trump lost with no significant election issues. October 16, 2021.

Dramatic escape is unlikely. Hard work every day is the prescription to make the world better. October 16, 2021.

Delusional Republicans. October 14, 2021.

Self researcher of mass of load versus capacity of vehicle. October 13, 2021.

For Walter who compared mask mandates to life jacket mandates. October 13, 2021.

We used to have the guts to tax the rich and they actually like living in a civilized society better than living in an anarchy. October 13, 2021.

No sympathy for traitors. October 12, 2021.

Feminists fighting disinformation. October 12, 2021.

And they all swear they are not racists. October 11, 2021.

Trump turned Arnold into a liberal. October 9, 2021.

Reality check. October 7, 2021.

Costume ideas. October 7, 2021.

Time to reevaluate. October 5, 2021.

Reality check. October 5, 2021.

Reality check. The Democratic Party is actually the party of fiscal realism. October 5, 2021.

On Republicans. October 4, 2021.

Undo Trump. October 4, 2021.

The Pope reminds us of morality. October 4, 2021.

The sound of freedom? October 1, 2021.

Critical race theory is actually just history. September 30, 2021.

No doubt. September 25, 2021.

Just say no. September 15, 2021.

The most bestest record-setting president. September 13, 2021.

Did you know it? Trump is a poet. September 12, 2021.

"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."
~ D. Trump

Fighting the Republican disinformation. August 29, 2021.

123 thousand evacuated total. August 28, 2021.

Yes indeed, it's a form of socialism. The tradition of public health. August 28, 2021.

It was intentional. August 27, 2021.

Fighting Republican election fraud. August 27, 2021.

The short fuse analogy. August 27, 2021.

Deathsantis. August 27, 2021.

Conservative criminals. August 27, 2021.

Irrelevant opinion. August 25, 2021.

The big beautiful wall. August 25, 2021.

The agenda. August 23, 2021.

Mexico, way to go! August 21, 2021.

Blame Trump. August 21, 2021.

Teach history. August 20, 2021.

Salvaging Trump's mess. August 20, 2021.

Fact checked true. August 19, 2021.

One difference between the Democratic and Republican philosophies. August 16, 2021.

And all the actual scientists missed it! August 16, 2021.

Ayn Rand would love it. August 16, 2021.

No cancel this: the Trump administration gave the Taliban legitimacy. August 15, 2021.

Get the real religion: humanism. August 15, 2021.

Celebrate? August 14, 2021.

Mask wearing in 1918. August 14, 2021.

Mask wearing in 1918. August 14, 2021.

Easy to tell when a philosophy is incoherent. August 11, 2021.

No! August 9, 2021.

The balloon joke. August 9, 2021.

Patriotism is just a point of view. August 9, 2021.

The MAGAverse really is just like that. August 9, 2021.

Utah, we have a problem. August 8, 2021.

It's cheaper to regulate coal. August 8, 2021.

It seems so long ago. August 3, 2021.

Republicans say this. August 2, 2021.

One of those rare anti-Republican Ramirez cartoons. August 1, 2021.

Original Antifa. July 31, 2021.

Something about those Republican counties. July 31, 2021.

We need to start implementing accountability. July 31, 2021.

The disinformation campaign. Hard to figure who benefits. July 30, 2021.

Who benefits? Not the Republican Party, surely. July 30, 2021.

Antifa. Arkady Shaikhet, Russian underground, 1942. July 30, 2021.

The disinformation campaign has been effective. But who benefits? It's a real mystery. July 29, 2021.

Completely different. July 27, 2021.

Trying to counter the anti-vaccine disinformation campaign, but it's very difficult. July 26, 2021.

Disinformation campaign effectiveness. July 25, 2021.

Liberalism is the light of the world. July 23, 2021.

The futile attempt to counter the disinformation campaign. July 21, 2021.

Facts kill vampires. July 21, 2021.

Meme by me. July 19, 2021.

A truly effective wall would block chess play. July 15, 2021.

Hypocrites. July 12, 2021.

Even if global warming is a hoax, it's still a good idea to cherish the environment. July 12, 2021.

Too late. July 12, 2021.

Hitting below the belt? Not really. July 9, 2021.

The tax expert. July 6, 2021.

Million Man March 1995. July 6, 2021.

Any valid political philosophy must be coherent. July 5, 2021.

Offensive. July 4, 2021.

Why oppose? July 2, 2021.

Try to keep up. June 27, 2021.

HRT. June 26, 2021.

Actually true. June 25, 2021.

Prediction. June 24, 2021.

Atheists believe. June 20, 2021.

Boo hoo hoo. June 16, 2021.

Freezing with blackouts in winter, brownouts and blackouts in summer. June 16, 2021.

The white flag of surrender was the real flag of Dixie. June 14, 2021.

Fixed the headline. June 14, 2021.

And the curve is concaving up. June 13, 2021.

Belief in a supernatural god is self-deception. June 10, 2021.

Another of those formerly rare anti-Republican Ramirez cartoons. June 9, 2021.

Follow the party leader. June 9, 2021.

Can't wait. June 8, 2021.

It's the Democrats who are for life. June 2, 2021.

Fifty one is a prime number. June 1, 2021.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. May 30, 2021.

Democracy means choosing. May 26, 2021.

It would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. May 22, 2021.

Big lie selectivity. May 16, 2021.

Calling all deplorables. May 15, 2021.

Arkansas and Tennessee, eh? May 14, 2021.

One of those rare liberal Ramirez cartoons. May 14, 2021.

Those darling Twumpublicans. May 7, 2021.

Clearly marked satire. April 26, 2021.

Why is that? April 26, 2021.

It's a Darwin test. April 24, 2021.

The face of evil. April 23, 2021.

It's what they do. April 15, 2021.

What Lee's army wanted to do. April 12, 2021.

Lee's entire army couldn't do what Trump did. April 9, 2021.

Suddenly the deficits matter again. April 9, 2021.

Not made up. April 8, 2021.

Infrastructure failing. April 7, 2021.

Infrastructure. Democrats do it. April 7, 2021.

Democrats comprise the party of family values. April 6, 2021.

Start the steal. April 5, 2021.

But Republicans view it as asking for a fleecing. April 5, 2021.

Q succeeds only among idiots. April 4, 2021.

When? You have to ask when? April 4, 2021.

Voter suppression. April 3, 2021.

I've been saying "tax the rich" for sometime now. April 3, 2021.

Not made up. March 31, 2021.

How to pay for it. March 30, 2021.

Ignoring the lying kind of propagandists. March 27, 2021.

The Georgia-approved masks. March 27, 2021.

Setting the records. March 26, 2021.

Satire, but you knew that. March 25, 2021.

Obama flashback. March 25, 2021.

The Venn diagram. March 25, 2021.

Keeping score. March 25, 2021.

For my brother Walter. March 25, 2021.

So much together. March 25, 2021.

My friend John will say "correlation is not causation," but sometimes it is. March 25, 2021.

Those overly-sensitive Twumpublikins! March 24, 2021.

Mainstream media seems to want to sensationalize it by calling it a "crisis." They seem exasperated that the Biden adminstration
refuses to use that term, calling it a "challenge." March 24, 2021.

Spring break in Florida, 2021. March 22, 2021.

A couple of patterns here. March 22, 2021.

Dumbass Dell and I have a Dell laptop! March 20, 2021.

It's good once again to have adult supervision, somewhat like the ending of Lord of the Flies. March 19, 2021.

Thank Obama once again. March 16, 2021.

As predicted last year, the Twumpublicans are now suddenly concerned about the deficit. March 15, 2021.

The founders of Antifa. March 15, 2021.

The party of deception: Twumpublians. March 15, 2021.

The gun paradox: if you pull a gun, you may have to use it. It may be better to submit to a home invasion. March 14, 2021.

Cancel Carlson. March 14, 2021.

I scanned this from my Sunday Star-Advertiser. March 14, 2021.

Apparently these pins are now a "thing." March 12, 2021.

Illiterate Kooks. March 11, 2021.

The pattern repeats again. I'm too young to remember Hoovervilles, but read The Grapes of Wrath. March 11, 2021.

Twump always wong. March 10, 2021.

Twumpublican gaffes. March 10, 2021.

This one was in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser on Friday, March 11. March 10, 2021.

So stand your ground and send me your check. March 9, 2021.

Fact checking the Twumpublicans can get tiresome. March 9, 2021.

Canceling the Beatles. March 7, 2021.

Stand your ground and send me your check. March 7, 2021.

But he thinks he didn't lose! March 2, 2021.

Worshipping golden idols now seems to be a conservative value. Answer: they have read neither. March 1, 2021.

Half a million dead in one year. February 28, 2021.

They call themselves conservatives. CPAC 2021. February 28, 2021.

Trump the golden cow. In Exodus it was a golden calf they worshipped to the consternation of Moses. February 27, 2021.

Literature for the immature. February 24, 2021.

Updated media bias chart. February 23, 2021.

The two parties are not the same. February 22, 2021.

Damned liberals, always making things better. February 21, 2021.

Socialist plots. February 21, 2021.

The definition of hypocrisy. February 20, 2021.

Useless government. February 19, 2021.

Useless government. February 19, 2021.

Good riddance. February 18, 2021.

Common sense legislation. February 15, 2021.

Philosophy, separating truth from nonsense. February 14, 2021.

The free market of ideas. Some are just bad. February 13, 2021.

Oh dear. February 12, 2021.

Media bias chart update. February 12, 2021. Click the image to see the full resolution version.

Competition. February 11, 2021.

Tell 'em, Ted. February 11, 2021.

Satire on the pillow guy's two hour video. February 09, 2021.

But Trump did. February 09, 2021.

How it's done. February 08, 2021.

Uselessness. February 08, 2021.

Bipartisanship. February 08, 2021.

I've read it. Old Testament. February 08, 2021.

Greed. February 08, 2021.

Perhaps. February 07, 2021.

Cowardice defined. February 06, 2021.

Fixed it. February 06, 2021.

In case you wondered what Heaven is like. February 05, 2021.

This is sophistry. February 05, 2021.

Indeed. February 04, 2021.

Ironically, religious people turn out to be the less moral. February 04, 2021.

No need to hide, they're generally polite. February 04, 2021.

Critical thinking is anathema to delusion. February 04, 2021.

So current, eh?. February 03, 2021.

Ruby Bridges, November 1960. Escorted by four US Marshals for the full year. February 02, 2021.

It's an explanation. February 01, 2021.

Pick your conspiracy. February 01, 2021.

The fellow criminals. February 01, 2021.

Horrors. January 31, 2021.

Problem solving. January 30, 2021.

What, me worry? January 30, 2021.

It's unfortunate, but true. January 30, 2021.

Yes, one party is insane. January 30, 2021.

How Republicans view atheism. January 29, 2021.

Lots of reason for not voting for impeachment. January 29, 2021.

It becomes evident upon actual reading. January 28, 2021.

All the non-Trumpys. January 27, 2021.

"Totem kopf" means "death's head" in German. That was a branch of Hitler's SS. January 27, 2021.

Trumpy cult. January 27, 2021.

Trump never said anything like this. January 26, 2021.

He's in there somewhere. January 26, 2021. Click the image for the full resolution version.

Progress is being made. January 25, 2021.

More like rational disrespect. January 24, 2021.

Republicans revealed for who they are. January 21, 2021.

I'll keep flying the Biden flag. January 21, 2021.

He and his supporters forgot about a lot of things. January 21, 2021.

What a relief! January 20, 2021.

A few of thousands. January 19, 2021.

Time to get back to the business of socialism. January 18, 2021.

Barack, Chuck, Michele, Kamala, Joe, and Nancy. January 18, 2021.

Trump's legacy. January 18, 2021.

Time to think about removing church tax immunity. January 17, 2021.

Biden as repairman. January 17, 2021.

Repugligan is a contraction of repugnant ungly thugs and hooligans. January 17, 2021.

Apply justice. January 16, 2021.

On the wrong side. January 16, 2021.

"Hang Pence" was the chant inside the capitol. January 15, 2021.

Begin now? January 15, 2021.

Good presidents precedence. It's amazing how good W. Bush looks in comparison to Trump! January 15, 2021.

Reckoning beginning now? January 15, 2021.

Enjoying white privilege. January 15, 2021.

Trump hate has been exposed for all to see for many years. January 15, 2021.

Those increasingly less rare liberal cartoons from Ramirez. January 14, 2021.

Irony. January 14, 2021.

Trump said that he wouldn't like him so much anymore if he didn't exceed his Constitutional authority. January 13, 2021.

The con. January 13, 2021.

Why Parler was taken down. It would have been blameworthy not to. January 13, 2021.

Ouch! January 12, 2021.

If you have to ask, the Trumpy party is right for you. January 12, 2021.

Flying the flag for Biden's inauguration. January 12, 2021.

Ouch! January 11, 2021.

The Trump administration's hallmark. January 11, 2021.

Reptilian overlords? January 11, 2021.

Could be maximally ironic. January 11, 2021.

The Trump flag. January 10, 2021.

Resemblances. January 10, 2021.

They'll say they have no idea. January 10, 2021.

Suck it up snowflake. January 10, 2021.

And Bernie still isn't a Democrat. January 10, 2021.

Trump-Traitor flags. January 9, 2021.

Not BLM, not Antifa. January 9, 2021.

Trumpys are hypocrites, but then we already knew that. January 9, 2021.

Well, there is something we can agree on. January 9, 2021.

Antifa to blame! Ha ha. Clowns. January 8, 2021.

I love satire. January 8, 2021.

MAGA Trumpy style. January 8, 2021.

Sanity is dead for Trumpys. January 8, 2021.

His prophesy was correct. January 7, 2021.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, lost her life storming the nation's capitol. January 7, 2021.

I love satire. January 7, 2021.

Dumbness they are. January 7, 2021.

What Trump tweeted last summer on the birthday of someone I know. January 7, 2021.

Confirmed: stupidest people on earth. January 7, 2021.

Newspaper headlines from a friend who is also a Facebook friend. January 7, 2021.

Trump as hostage taker. January 7, 2021.

The racist hate flag paraded in the capitol. Something General Lee could only dream about. January 7, 2021.

Trumpy Nazi. January 7, 2021.

Only the best people. January 7, 2021.

The Trump flag (stars and bars) in the capitol. January 6, 2021.

Fooled. Salt Lake Tribune. January 5, 2021.

No more tolerance. Yet once again he will get off free. Too many enablers with power. January 5, 2021.

Save the date. I predict he will never be prosecuted. January 5, 2021.

The mystery. January 5, 2021.

Human rights and democracy are liberal ideas. January 5, 2021.

The Trumpy Party. A few weeks ago this might have appeared a bit extreme. January 4, 2021.

Audit Kentucky. January 4, 2021.

Con-man President. Steve Schmidt is a founder of the Lincoln Project. January 4, 2021.

Eclipsed principle. January 3, 2021.

During the impeachment process Romney was the sole exception to the Senate’s party-line vote to acquit President Trump
—and the first senator who has ever voted to remove a president of his own party. “I believe that the act [Trump] took
—an effort to corrupt an election,” Mitt Romney told Fox News’s Chris Wallace last February, “is as destructive an attack
on the oath of office and on our Constitution as I can imagine.” --Being Liberal

Shame on them. Now they know who to vote against. January 3, 2021.

New York Post on Monday, December 28, 2020. Image downloaded January 2, 2021.

Violating their oath. January 2, 2021.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

index.html, this hand crafted HTML file was created January 2, 2021.
Last updated January 8, 2022 by Dr. Rick Wagner. Copyright © 2021, all rights reserved.