Chess Game Page

This page contains some games that I think are interesting or instructional.

Game 1

In this game, white is lured into a premature king-side attack, and sacrifices a bishop without having first achieved control of the center. Black's freedom in the center allows him to hang on to the sacrificed piece. Well played tactically by both sides, any misstep by black would lead to disaster.
E-mail game
White: Richard A. Jamieson (
Black: Rick Wagner
Start: March 30, 1997
End:   April 27, 1997
1.  P-K4     P-QB4    Sicilian defense
2.  N-KB3    P-K3
3.  P-Q4     P-QR3    An innovation by Wagner, first played against International Grandmaster
                      Koltanowski in 1973, this move allows 4 P-Q5 (4 ... N-KB3!)
4.  N-QB3    PxP      Necessary. 5 P-Q5 is bad for black.
5.  NxP      Q-B2     Transposed to the Modern defense.
6.  B-K2     N-KB3
7.  B-B3              Puts the king's bishop at risk.
7.           N-B3     
8.  O-O      N-K4
9.  B-B4              The bishop must move again. Better is B-K3.
9.           NxB ch   Taking the minor exchange.
10. QxN      P-Q3
11. B-K3     B-K2
12. Q-N3     O-O
13. B-R6              White presses a king-side attack.
13.          N-K1     13 ... N-R4 loses.
14. KR-Q1    P-QN4    The thematic move of black's opening, preparing B-N2.
15. P-B4     B-B3
16. R-Q3     B-N2
17. R-K1     P-K4     Preventing 18 P-K5.
18. PxP               Gives up any hope of advantage. Better is N-B5, after which,
                      black has many opportunities to screw up. For example, 18 ... R-Q1
18.          KBxP     
19. Q-N4              B-B4 is better.
19.          P-N5     
20. N-Q5     Q-B5
21. N-K7+             This move gives up the initiative.
21.          K-R1
22. NQ4-B5            Loses a piece. B-K3 holds.
22.          PxB
23. R-KR3             The consistent continuation. White has sacrificed a
23.         Q-B4+     Other moves lose. Black's free hand in the center pays off.
24. K-R1              Best is R1-K3, but still loses. K-B1 also loses after 24 ... P-QR4.
24.          Q-B7
25. Resigns           Black keeps the piece.

USC home page.

Email Richard dot J dot Wagner at gmail dot com

chessgam.html: This hand crafted HTML file was established April 27, 1997.
Updated May 2, 1997
Udated August 23, 2009
Updated January 22, 2010
Last updated June 25, 2013 by Rick Wagner.
Copyright © 1997-2013 by Rick Wagner, all rights reserved.